What Brings You The Greatest Joy and Peace of Mind?
Dr. Dean Shrock served as Director Of Mind-Body Medicine for a physician management group of 40 cancer centers. Here he developed and taught a wellness program, which Penn State University researched and concluded that it improved survival with cancer. His book, Doctor’s Orders: Go Fishing, details this program and the insights he gained while teaching it.
Can you imagine going to the doctor, and the doctor wrote you a prescription to go fishing, or whatever else brought you great joy? That’s what Dr. Shrock proposed with thousands of cancer patients and their families.
Only to his great surprise, most of them found this too selfish. But, still, his patients were living much longer than those getting only conventional medical treatment.
So, what was making the difference if it wasn’t Dr. Shrock’s attempt to instill a “will to live”? His research concluded that it was because they felt listened to, cared for, and supported – all core aspects of love.
Love is the Answer
Living and Thriving
Welcome to Living and Thriving: A Mind-Body-Spirit Program for Wellness. This program is based on the work…
Products by Dean Shrock, Ph.D.
~Book: Why Love Heals~ Discover the overwhelming scientific evidence for the healing benefits of feeling loved and…
Testimonials for Why Love Heals
“Why Love Heals rightfully returns the soul to medicine and opens our minds and hearts to a way of looking at God and our spiritual and eternal selves that sets us free. Dr. Shrock has been among the leaders of Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, and Why Love Heals clearly demonstrates why. I highly recommend it.”

Larry Dossey, MD
Author of The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future“Love is the greatest power in the universe and vital for creation. It is the solution to every problem. If you want to know how and why read Why Love Heals and make it a part of your life. It is a gift you and the people in your life will be forever thankful for.”

Bernie Siegel, MD
Author of 365 Prescriptions For Living“… I do find this text filled with wonderful insight and gentle wisdom that I know will benefit everyone who reads it. The power of human love is made so understandable in these writings that the true wonder is that we don’t all immediately fall in love with each other, and stay in love all the time! Thank you, Dr. Shrock, for this re-opening to our heart space”

Neale Donald Walsch
Author of Conversations with GodArticles
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