Here is the introduction and first chapter of my new book Your Life Comes with Instructions.
Thank you for your interest in listening to the podcast of the introduction and first chapter of my new book, Your Life Comes with Instructions (available 2022). Writing this book has been very different because I’m doing it intuitively.
Back in September 2020, I was asked in a meditation to “dare” to use my Greater Being as the only source for the book’s content. This was an opportunity to let people know that everything they need is inside them. This book very clearly was to direct the reader inside.
So, ever since I have asked my dreams and meditations for information for this book. I must admit that I have been pleasantly surprised by what I was inspired to write. And I think you will be, too.
I end each chapter with “inner exercises” where I encourage you to go inside for your own answers, inspiration, and consideration of what you would have just read in the chapter. I also recommend you only read one chapter each week, so that you hopefully will spend that week doing the inner exercises and discover that indeed your life comes with instructions. They’re all inside.