Life is full of difficult times: pandemics, wars, floods, and ugliness of all sorts. Indeed, if we focused on all the things going wrong in the world and in our lives, we’d have little or no time to appreciate anything else. I assure you that your life is not one of being condemned to any number of tragic circumstances. You also have lots of things to remind you of the miracle of your existence.
Unlimited beauty surrounds us: majestic mountains, redwood forests, waterfalls, northern lights, sunsets, starlit skies, and flowers and gardens. We also have the warmth of the sun, cool and gentle breezes, the softness of cashmere, a loving touch, and the taste of peach cobbler. Then sprinkle in tigers and elephants, puppies and kittens, whales and star fish. How about the sound of music or a child’s laugh, the joys of friendship and loving hugs, butterflies, fireflies, honeybees, lady bugs, and soaring eagles?
Life itself is truly a marvel. Do you know that there are 38 trillion cells in your body? How in the world do they all co-exist and cooperate? You have seven octillion atoms in your body, and you shed them all every year (around a quintillion a day). Stomach acid is strong enough to melt stainless steel, yet we remain unharmed. The whole fact of creation of the human body is an act of wonder.
As miraculous as the human body is, consider the creation of the universe. It is estimated that there are two trillion galaxies in the universe. There are about 50 galaxies in the Milky Way, which includes our solar system. It contains as many as 400 billion stars and at least that many planets. It measures more than 50 light-years across.
The observable universe is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter, and the most distant star is 28 billion light-years away. (Note that one light-year equals six trillion miles). Then there’s black holes, magnetism, and electricity. As the mystic poet Rumi states, “If you are not living in awe, you are not paying attention.”
While we consider the miracles of the human body, nature, and the universe, we also have to be in absolute awe of what is behind the creation of all that is. Whatever that is, or whatever we call it (God, Uncaused Cause, Infinite Being, Divine Consciousness), we simply must revere the artistry, harmony, and order of all of life. Even more than this is to consider that we are one with that. We are God/Creator manifesting in physical form.
Through all of life’s turmoil, we are not alone. We are all one. We are the way, the truth, and the life, for we are God! “Have I not said you are all gods and sons of the most high” (Psalms 82:6). “All power is yours…. Miracles are merely translation of denial into truth” (A Course in Miracles). We are easily distracted and have forgotten our True Identity. Let us appreciate moments of wonder and awe, and also honor and marvel at the Truth of who we are.