Welcome to Living and Thriving: A Mind-Body-Spirit Program for Wellness. This program is based on the work of Dean Shrock, Ph.D., who served as Director of Mind-Body Medicine for a physician management group of 40 cancer centers. Here he developed and researched this wellness program, which he taught to cancer patients and their families for 11 years.
However, this program is not about cancer; it’s about life. Dr. Shrock draws from his work with cancer to teach valuable lessons that he proved can improve the quality and length of your life. He discovered that joy and peace of mind are essential for your health, and Living and Thriving will show you how to find both.
This seminar is taught in six two-hour classes, one each week for six consecutive weeks. Here, Dr. Shrock will instruct you with humor, common sense, and research on how to achieve improved health and fulfillment.
In this informative and inspirational program you will discover:
Week #1 – “How Thoughts, Feelings, and Lifestyle Affect Your Health”
Week #2 – “Your Beliefs are Very Powerful Medicine”
Week #3 – “Stress Management and Wellness”
Week #4 – “Self Esteem and Spirituality”
Week #5 – “How to Determine Truth”
Week #6 – “Creating Your Personal Health Plan”
A key to helping you make this valuable information really work for you is the workbook he created to emphasize important points of Living and Thriving. Every day you will be given a different affirmation to use and questions that will help you discover your true potential to recreate your life and health. These questions will be discussed as part of the weekly seminar.
You will play an active and important part in your health and wellness. The good news is that what Dr. Shrock will teach you – really works. You’re in for a very pleasant surprise how much control you can reclaim over your life circumstances. The challenge is that you have to do it. There’s no magic here. You will have to make some significant changes in your life. But you’re up to it! You will learn easy, effective ways to complement any medical treatment.
Mind-Body Medicine has been proven to:
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Relieve pain
- Stimulate your immune system
- Manage stress
- Aid decision-making
- Improve relationships and communication
- Reduce treatment side-effects
One especially effective Mind-Body Medicine technique is called guided imagery. You will be given a recording of five guided imagery exercises, where you will become deeply relaxed and use your imagination and determination to “trick” your body into getting better. There are thousands of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach.
You’re going to love Dr. Shrock’s warm, inspirational presentations. Plus, you will receive his revised book, Doctor’s Orders: Go Fishing, which details this wellness program, along with the workbook and guided imagery meditations.
By listening to the classes, reading the book, practicing your guided imagery, and completing the exercises in the workbook, your odds of getting well and staying well will be improved greatly. Living and Thriving is about giving yourself permission and the tools to do and be more of what you really want for yourself. Your job will be to discover what brings you the greatest joy and meaning in your life. Then, more importantly, you will learn how to incorporate this into your daily life.