Since attending the Living and Thriving seminar I now have justification for savoring life’s sweetness and can accept that having fun and enjoying myself is the best way to honor the very precious gift of life itself. Change doesn’t come quickly for some of us, and I’m aware that for all the benefit I received from Dean’s class, I’d only scratched the surface. So, I repeated the class and, as anticipated, the facts about wellness and the encouragement the class provided gave me more strength to break my dysfunctional habits. Dean’s coaching is working magic because just yesterday I welcomed my new horse, Pierre, into my life! Thank you so very much.

Lauralee Svensgaard
Dr. Dean Shrock’s course, Living and Thriving, is absolutely jam-packed with useful information and ideas for living a healthy life. I frankly was surprised that he could present such extensive materials in such interesting ways. I am well-read in these areas but I always felt that I was learning new, valuable ideas, and being reminded of what was most important for my well-being. Dr. Shrock is a passionate and very informed presenter who knows what he is talking about. I highly recommend if you get an opportunity to attend one of Dean Shrock’s courses that you sign up right away. I promise you will be glad you did.

Joseph Bernard, Ph.D.
Author, Blogger, Speaker, ConsultantThank you, Dr. Shrock, for sharing your insightful, grounded, and knowledgeable wisdom in the class, Living and Thriving. It was a delight to participate in such a thoughtful, supportive learning environment. I discovered new tools, new ideas, and new ways to create a more balanced and happy life. I’m excited for the opportunity to implement the knowledge in my day-to-day busyness. I’m motivated to make changes that will undoubtedly add “years to my life.” Thank you!

Bobbi Benson
Creative Director, Wild Ginger PressDr. Dean Shrock’s Living and Thriving workshop was wonderful! He demonstrated and shared actual results of healing through the application of love and participating in activities that you love. He is a warm and charismatic speaker who is passionate about helping others.

Linda Curtice
Massage TherapistWhen I began reading your bestselling book, Why Love Heals, it brought back a flood of memories of the evening I walked into your class in State College, alone and desperate, after receiving a grim prognosis and five months of chemotherapy that left me bald, weakened, and thirty pounds underweight. I didn’t know you then, or any of the participants in your workshop, who, like me, were struggling to contend with one type of cancer or other… in my case, ovarian, but, from the first class, I began to see a glimmer of hope that I could get better, that I could activate healing mechanisms within myself that would strengthen me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You were so perceptive, so convincing, and so compassionate. I could see that the other members of the class felt, as I did, your sincere desire to help us to help ourselves recover. The guided imagery techniques that you taught us were incredible! I have practiced them often since that time to help resolve other problems that came my way over the years. I could never give you adequate thanks for all of the knowledge you shared, the time you generously gave, and the hope you helped to instill in all of us. After twenty years, I am as grateful as I was when you played such a vital role in facilitating my recovery.

Marie Gillette Speicher
State College, PennsylvaniaI met Dean Shrock in 1990 after a bout with breast cancer. I had a partial mastectomy and radiation. I received my radiation treatments at the Pottsville Cancer Center in PA. That is when I found out about Dr. Dean Shrock’s classes Taking Control of Your Health. I attended several 6-week sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and really looked forward to them. I credited my complete recovery to these classes and wish Dean was back in PA. Every week was special!! My brother Bob attended several of these classes also. He had heart problems and the classes did help him immensely. My sister Roni has breast cancer and also attended these classes. Needless to say, I am a BIG supporter of Dean Shrock. I use Dean’s Guided Imagery for Relaxation and Stress Management CD faithfully. As I said before, I wish Dean was back in PA – I would definitely attend his classes once again!!!

Myrna Everly
Pottsville, PennsylvaniaDean, words cannot express my gratitude for your work. I used the Guided Imagery techniques you taught me both during my Lymphoma at the SCCC, and again during my most recent bout with cancer. I feel that had it not been for the training, which I received from you, the chances are pretty good that I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this tonight. I am deeply humbled and grateful for what you’ve done for me. I simply want to say “thank you” for what you taught back in Pottsville…I very seriously and sincerely want you to know that had it not been for your intervention in my life, I’d now be dead, and unable to fulfill my life’s mission and purpose.

Ken Anderson
Erie, PennsylvaniaDean Shrock was one of the favorite presenters at our two-day Cancer as a Turning Point conference. His presentation nicely bridged heart and science. He was warm, authentic, knowledgeable, inspirational, practical, and approachable.